Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Stylios Trachanas - A National Health Care Plan Would Improve the Economy

Nothing irritates conservatives more than when Michael Moore refers to free healthcare. Obviously, it is not free, and the distraction only fuels the anti-liberal attacks that Moore takes on. Unfortunately, the political attacks don't allow us to get down to the costs and a comprehensive cost benefit analysis comparing today's health "system" and a proposed national health care plan.

Nothing represents more clearly our insistence on free market principles and competition than the way healthcare is delivered today. This is evident in every political debate for both parties. The Republicans bash "government run healthcare", even though their party passed the Medicare bill in 2003.
Stylios Trachanas says the Democrats are proposing mixed models, trying to preserve the godlike free market and profiteering of the major players involved. While Medicare provides medical benefits for a dramatically growing population that is aging and living longer, the rest of the working folks pretty much need to rely on their employers for health coverage. But the number of people privately insured is not as big as you think. In fact, about 60% of healthcare is publicly funded.

It has been stated often that the barriers to changing our health delivery system are political, and many have advocated an "incremental" approach. But after about 20 years of social/economic experiments within the free market, it's hard to imagine that anything else can be tried. The upward trend of costs continues unabated. Health costs rose 7.2% in 2004 and another 6.9% in 2005. The 6.9% figure is being heralded as a success, since it was the smallest increase since 1999. The 2006 data is at an increase of 6.1 percent, a pace that was maintained in 2007. The health share of gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to hold steady in 2006-2007 before resuming its historical upward trend. Experts predict that healthcare spending will reach 19.6 percent of GDP by 2016. The nation spent almost $2 trillion dollars on medical care in 2005. This accounts for about 16% of all spending. Average cost per person varies by report, but is now close to a staggering figure of around $6,700. All of this with 45 plus million still uninsured.

Stylios Trachanas Health advocates have stated the obvious for years. The amount of waste in the U.S. in healthcare paperwork and bureaucracy costs more in dollars than it would take to provide health coverage for all of the 40 million plus who are uninsured. In other words, pure admin overload, if eliminated, could save enough money to solve the problem of the uninsured. Within the 60-40 public/private split of U.S. healthcare funding, what you hear most about is the misconception that the private sector is more efficient than the public sector. For years, the public Medicare system has had administrative costs of around 3%. More than 96 cents of each dollar is spent on direct care for Medicare recipients. Private sector admin estimates are around 15%. Most Americans would never accept the argument that the federal government is more efficient than the private sector in delivering healthcare.

High health costs in an employer based system are killing our economy. In fact, employer sponsored healthcare is a huge federal tax break. If employees had to claim their employee healthcare "benefits" as income, it is estimated they would be paying about $126 billion dollars in federal income tax. In other words, private sector employer sponsored healthcare is really part of a government backed health system. A National Healthcare Plan, by spreading out the costs to everyone, would take the monkey off an employer's back.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Stylios Trachanas - Universal Health Care is the Ideal Health Care

There are various theories floating around about health care at the moment. Each and every single one has an ideal attached to it, in which every single individual gets accessible health care whenever they need it at an affordable rate. However, very few of them actually put a plan into action that dictates how the ideal would be achieved. One of those that does is universal health care.

Stylios Trachanas imply that every person in the world should have access to basic health care, which would raise the health level of the world. Universal health care also refuses to take factors like age, location and status into account. However, it is slightly optimistic considering the third world does not even have access to basic utilities yet.

However, the idea of universal health care is backed by several ideas as to how it can be carried out. Universal health care should in fact be administered via a series of insurance policies that are controlled by the government of any given time. In this way, universal health care will give everyone access to health care whenever they need it at very little personal cost, thus ensuring that every single person can actually call a doctor out whenever necessary. Universal health care may also be administered through a series of clinics and other medical establishments to ensure that lower class individuals that cannot afford private health care can just drop by.

Universal health care could actually be administered by any number of schemes in effect, but at least there are ideas in place to ensure that it could work if governments in power at the moment changed their policies. Stylios Trachanas is the ideal  universal health care are valid as preventative as well as remedial because it would actually encourage everyone to have regular health checks to ensure that they stay in the best of health. This would include testing g younger people for STIs and monitoring their progress as they grow up via a series of vaccinations against diseases that may cut their lives short. Similarly, under universal health care would actually allow older people to be tested for ailments like diabetes on a regular basis too.

Universal health care could provide treatment for every individual, whether they could afford it on paper or not. This would provide great positives for all of humanity and make for a much better world. There is so much more resting on universal health care than just health care alone. If we want a better world, we have to take the chance whenever we can. Universal is one of the chances we should take.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Stylios Trachanas - Health Care Through A Health Magazine

How To Take Care of Health With Health Magazine.
If you love yourself then you should keep watch on your health and fitness. You need to understand about your nutrition, fitness, health and food regularly. Stylios Trachanas says Health is important for both men and women. Everyone should take of their health to keep fit and healthy.

To be fit and health, you have to monitor your fitness regularly. Like you should keep watch on your weight, metabolism, regular blood tests and important things happening around the people you live. You can get updated with all new fitness methods and latest emerging diseases today.

Health magazine is the only reliable and good source to guide you on every issue on health. You can know about fitness, exercises, eating patterns and things to improve your overall health. These magazines also include tips for personal care, physical fitness, avoiding injuries, winter and summer wearing guide and how to protect from different viruses.

These magazines cover different issues related to mens health and women health. You can find safe sex tips, skin care, care for hair and latest drugs available in market for human health development. You can also find safe cooking methods and tips to make different recipes.

In the health magazine, you can find stories of real people and how to cure from deadly diseases. You can find celebrities interviews and their practices for personal development. You can get advices from professional doctors and health experts. It also include solutions with help of allopathy and homeopathy.

You need to be informed if you are suffering from any diseases. Like you are a patient of sugar and doctors have told you to keep watch on your sugar daily. You need to keep watch on sugar intake in your body on daily basis. You can get to know about latest techniques to control your sugar with the help of a health magazine. Stylios Trachanas says these magazines are proved very useful to be informed on latest technique used worldwide and your doctor might be able to tell you about these latest medical solutions. So a health magazine can turn your miserable life into happy living.

You can look for specific symptoms you have to get solutions for cure and fitness. You can get information on every topic of human health. Subscribing to these magazines is the best way to be updated with the latest happenings around the world in health care industry. For health and wellness, subscribe this growing health magazine today.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Stylios Alton Trachanas - Accuracy Promotes Better Health Care Services

There are a lot of things that can be resolved by focusing tasks on accuracy and improvement. This principle remains true in the field of health care and medicine. Stylios Trachanas says accuracy would mean being close to perfection and in a field where delicate tasks may affect lives, it is very important to be as accurate as possible. This can be better achieved by incorporating improvement programs to vital areas and aspects of medical institutions such as clinical documentation.

A hospital or a clinic can have a lot of advantages by simply implementing clinical documentation improvement programs. The suggestions for the most appropriate program that can be adopted usually result from a reliable medical record audit conducted by a health care company. A lot medical institutions found the changes that they need by consulting companies who can help them identify what needs to be improved in order to provide high quality medical services.

Clinical documentation improvement programs aim to promote high quality medical services through reliable documentation. This can be achieved by giving enough attention to the details related to the current practice or system being used for documentation. This will allow physicians to identify the areas that require improvements and corrections. Medical tasks involve delicate responsibilities since the lives of the patients are at stake.

Stylios Trachanas said accuracy can help reduce the risks and promote faster or more effective medical plans and solutions and this can be achieved by implementing clinical documentation improvement programs. Physicians will then have the initiative to maintain accurate, complete, secured, and reliable medical records. Other areas will follow as soon as clinical documentation becomes effective enough to support a highly organized and systematic workflow inside a hospital.
When it comes to accuracy, products of technology usually come in. The volume of data that should be managed on a daily basis may be too great to handle manually. It is therefore necessary to have modern tools and applications that can simplify and speed up the entire process. This will also allow other physicians to focus on their jobs and provide better health care services. Everything can start in the area of documentation where information can become an effective tool especially when managed accurately.

Clinical documentation improvement programs are important in promoting accuracy in the field of documentation in a medical institution. A lot of problems can be resolved by observing accuracy and this will help hospitals commit to providing quality health care services.